White Spot removal

What are white spots?

White spotting can occur in patient’s enamel for multiple reasons. Genetics, diet, health history, or hygiene are often suspected in the formation of white spots however we do not always know the source. The spotting is caused by a porosity in the crystalline structure of the enamel which reflects light differently than the surrounding enamel. This is interpreted by our eyes as a displeasing chalky white color.

Historically, treatments for white spots have been very invasive and often required removal of the spotted enamel and replacement with fillings or veneers. Icon Therapy by DMG has created a minimally invasive option for white spot treatment, and it works by filling the porosities in the enamel structure to create an even surface. This treatment even reduces the likelihood of decay in porous areas!

  • Before

    This is actually Dr. Monette! She was unhappy with the significant white spotting left on her teeth after braces.

  • After

    Using the non-invasive Icon system the enamel was etched and infused with small resin particles. This not only improves the esthetics of the smile, but also strengthens the previously weakened and porous mineral structure of the enamel.