Clear Aligner Orthodontics

At Monette Dentistry we utilize clear aligner orthodontics from both Invisalign and SureSmile, both of which provide excellent design and tray manufacturing services. An initial appointment includes photographs and 3-D scans of the patient’s mouth, which Dr. Monette utilizes to create the treatment plan. After the treatment plan is developed, a consultation between the patient and doctor allows for in-depth discussion regarding length of treatment, expected results, and cost. Once approved by the patient, the trays are ordered and delivered within a month!


After movement is completed and attachments are still in place

How do Clear aligners work?

At the day of delivery, attachments are placed on teeth as prescribed (example to left). The attachments are tooth colored composite plastic that are bonded to the tooth surface much like a traditional orthodontic bracket. These attachments allow the plastic trays to exert specific forces to the teeth, which achieves fast & predictable movement.

Patients are seen in office every1-2 months, and leave with a series of trays that are changed out every 7-10 days. It is recommended that trays are worn 21-23 hours per day for best results and are only removed for eating, brushing, and flossing. Trays can stain, and should not be worn while eating or immediately after eating anything with risk for staining (e.g. coffee, berries, curry, etc.). The best method for cleaning trays is brushing. Effervescent tablets will freshen, but will not clean.

How long will treatment take?

Treatment times vary for every case, however most treatment plans take anywhere from 6-18 months depending on severity. We expect a refinement, or an additional series of aligners, with most of our cases, but the refinement is typically less than 2 months of trays.

how is this different from direct to consumer options?

Direct to consumer orthodontics do not utilize attachments and have limited doctor oversight. This tends to result in less predictable movement and less ideal results. Orthodontic movement should always be monitored with in-office visits so your doctor can evaluate the bite and changes with the bone and tissue.